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7 by 1 Samurai promotional card image, with title below.

A Great Performance

Samurai mask in nunchuck pose, orange packground

Sweaty serious head shot of samurai performer 'Samurai' Spoof
Is A Cut Above
the Rest

" ...riotous...rollicking
...an acrobatic genius..."

- The Washington Post
read full review


performer quick-changing from samurai mask

"...Gaines is as deft as
I've ever seen. "

- Washington City Paper
read full review

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©2024 David Gaines. All Rights Reserved.

David Gaines holding neutral mask.

A Great Teacher

helping students with undulation

Increasing range,
expression, and
sensitivity to
body language

"it's not easy,
but the workshop
makes it fun!"



David Gaines with arms outstretched leading students in a workshop

"...genuine excellence
in the classroom and studio. "

- Ken Elston - Director
GMU School of Theatre

Home | About | Reviews | Workshops and Masterclasses | Directing and Collaborating | Producers and Presenters | Packages and Prices | Contact

©2024 David Gaines. All Rights Reserved.

Great performance, great teacher, great investment

Samurai trailer video

Watch trailer video

"My imagination hasn't seen this much action in ages.
… It was truly magical!" "

- Kevin Karr
Rochester Fringe