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Kabuki-inspired masks by David Knezz

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Audience raves about 7 by 1 Samurai
Brigand in Kabuki mask turns menacingly

7 by 1 Samurai title text.

Best Solo Performance - Capital Fringe Festival

7x1 Samurai promotional image - samurai with whiteface and clown nose 'Samurai' Spoof
Is A Cut Above
the Rest

"Gaines' novelty act
nabbed a well-deserved
'Pick of the Fringe'
award at this year's
Capital Fringe Festival."

- The Washington Post
read full review



performer quick-changing from samurai mask
"...Gaines is as deft as
I've ever seen."

- Washington City Paper
read full review



"...the house I saw...
was packed to the gills,
laughed throughout
the performance,
and gave Gaines
a standing ovation
when it was over."

- DCist.com
read full review

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Also available
"A Little Business at the Big Top"

Man walking on tightropeA sweet 60 minute story of romance, brutal abduction,
a chase across the high wire,
and a surprisingly spectacular happy ending.